Hall Designs

We imagine, design, and customize Christian Halls for local communities, based on local demand, the availability of qualified tutors, matched to an academic program from one of our academic institutions.

Common designs include the Classical Honors College, a Christian Community College alternative, Bible College and Seminary, High School Dual Enrollment, as well as Trade Schools and Work Apprenticeships. We are designing a Christian Conservatory of the Arts, a Teacher College design, and a Godly Governance and Civics program.

  • Bible College and Seminary

    Local churches can host academic programs from our partner institutions within their walls. Students receive high-quality education while being an integral part of a local church community. Our design encourages a sense of community and spiritual growth, while ensuring excellence in education and local mentorship throughout the program.

  • Christian Community College Alternative

    Looking for a local, Christ-centered college experience? Christian Halls International offers an affordable and accredited education from top institutions through our unique mentor-led approach. Our model provides accessibility for communities and leaders seeking to provide a virtuous space for higher learning.

  • Christian Trade School Alternative

    Our Christian Trade School Alternative design is focused on developing spiritually-formed and skilled professionals who can serve Christ, their communities, and their churches. Local mentors will guide students through industry training and spiritual formation while students complete your online coursework for their specific field.

  • Dual Enrollment

    Earn college credits in a supportive Christian environment through our Dual Enrollment design. Take online college-level courses with guidance from local mentors and earn transferable credits while being part of a learning community. Our mentors provide support in academic and spiritual matters, preparing students for success in college and beyond.

  • Work Study and Apprenticeship

    Join the Christ-centered community of CHI and elevate faith, work, and flourishing through our work-study and apprenticeship design. Whether you're an employer creating a virtuous space or a student seeking a platform for success, our Work Study and Apprenticeship design combines formal study, professional competence, and personal development.

Future Community Designs

We are in the process of designing solutions for Special Needs and Special Education, a Christian Conservatory of the Arts, a Teacher College, and a Godly Governance and Civics program. If you're interested in contributing to the establishment of these community designs, see additional needs for your community, or feel called to be a part of the design process, please contact us.