The Christian Hall Mission

Our mission is to strengthen local communities by offering Christ-Centered tutorial-based education that fosters intellectual, spiritual, and vocational formation.

Our vision is for local faith communities to govern the formation and flourishing of the next generation for the glory of God.

Our Four Pillars

1. Christ Centered

We are firmly positioned within the long tradition of biblical, apostolic, and orthodox thought, and seek to serve those families and communities who hold to biblical, trinitarian, and orthodox Christianity. We hold steadfastly to being generous in our service to the Church, extending our embrace beyond specific denominational or confessional traditions. Above all, we are deeply rooted in our commitment to Jesus Christ as we seek to operate within the rich heritage, traditions, and communion of the Church.

2. Soul Formation

We view education as a means for soul formation, rather than simply as skill-building. As such, education can not be reduced to merely data transmission, but rather as the transfer of wisdom from one generation to the next, preparing souls for this world and the world to come. This formation of character, virtue, and faithful discipleship is a life-long endeavor, and is the goal of all participants in a CHI site.  The local community of faith  is uniquely positioned as the appropriate context for this work.

3. Self Governance

The governance of this soul-formational task is primarily the responsibilities of parents (who birthed that eternal soul), and the community of faith that embraces and nourishes that family. While additional resources can be marshaled to assist in this task (institutions, publishers, specialists, etc.), it should not be relinquished.

4. Local Flourishing

This self-governing model of education should be deployed for local human flourishing. Most academic institutions feed on communities, but with little ability to sustain and resource. The CHI model emphasizes local mentorship, discipleship, vocational and professional development, with the desired outcome of flourishing families, businesses, churches, and civic enterprise.