Exclusive Offerings
Our Exclusive Offerings are only available to Christian Hall members, in collaboration with trusted content providers and our academic partners. There are numerous options, including dual credit with Patriot Academy, the opportunity to earn English Composition I or II credits by using the Institute for Excellence in Writing as your textbook, and even the chance to study abroad in Israel with Passages! With our continually expanding list of partners, our list of exclusive offerings continues to grow.
Christian Halls and the Institute for Excellence in Writing
Enroll in English Composition I or II from a selected CHI University Partner using IEW as your textbook. Choose between one of our university partner tracks (Southeastern University and Donnelly College). This is an asynchronous online class, which requires the purchase of IEW Structure and Style.
Christian Halls and Passages
College dual credit available through the Passages trip, including courses in Government, Bible, and History, through CHI's partnership with Southeastern University. Course requirements and syllabi available upon request. Tuition starts at $100 per credit hour.
Christian Halls and Patriot Academy
Earn College Credit Taking “A Republic If You Can Keep It.”
SEU GenEd Transfer Kit
Explore a selection of online courses available through Christian Halls, which contribute to an associate’s degree at SEU.
Christian Halls and Ramsey Education
Earn college credit and gain essential knowledge to thrive financially by taking Foundations in Personal Finance.